Looking for PbP Group for Daggerheart Campaign

Hi there,

I’m posting for me and my friend to see if anyone is interested in a Play-by-Post long form campaign for Daggerheart. We are looking for players and a GM if possible.

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Good timing cause I was actually looking for one as well! I’ll be interested in a PbP campaign for Daggerheart, don’t really have much time to do regular sessions for TTRPGs unfortunately but I’m so curious about how playing Daggerheart would feel like.

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A friend and I are also looking for PbP Daggerheart.

Ive been looking for a PbP for daggerheart too!!

I’m trying to pull a daggerheart play-by-post together.
The play-by-post will use the demiplane group interface for the game with the idea that each player would post to the thread at least once every seventytwo hours or more often if the game is rolling and they’re available.

Hi @sasquatchwyo I was just wondering if your Daggerheart PbP is still available to join?