Looking for Players - Pathfinder Remaster

East Coast GM (that’s me!) with 2 players (wife and another friend), looking for 2 more (maybe 3) for a group, hopefully one that can go for a long time!

We’ll be using Demiplane for character sheets, most likely discord for voice and background music. Leaning towards using theater of the mind, but not opposed to using battle maps (probably Owlbear Rodeo).

We’re an inclusive crew of elder millennials looking for some new friends. We’re pretty flexible with scheduling, and will iron that out once we know what we’re dealing with for everyone’s availability.

The campaign I plan on running is going to be a character focused one rather than a rag tag team of rando’s trying to stop the end of the world. Unless of course we make it to higher levels.

Hello there! I’d be interested in joining, and while I would prefer a game on Wednesday nights or daytime Saturdays, it’s not a hard requirement. I’m an elder millenial myself, a longtime RPG player and a DM as well. Gearing up to run my 3rd campaign and switching to PF2e at some point in the future so playing it first would be a great primer! I prefer character/story driven campaigns so sounds like this could be a good fit. Let me know if you have any questions!

I’d be interested in that. Dybbuk on discord. Let me know. Recently finished a legacy campaign in 2e, ready to try out a fun remaster thing. I am in the US, pacific time zone, night owl so afternoon or evening games are better than early in the day. I am busy 5 to 8 on wednesdays, so a different day is preferable.

I’d be interested what days of the week are you thinking?

Sorry for the delayed response you few!

So we know a little more. It’ll probably be after the new year, so maybe I should make a new post when the time is closer. But we do know we’ll be playing Saturdays at 9pm eastern for 2 hour sessions. We usually jump in voice chat and start our pre game banter around 8:30-8:45, then start the game at 9.

We’ll be using Player Core 1 & 2, GM Core, Secrets of Magic, Ancestry guide, Treasure Vault, and maybe one or two others that I pick up for a holiday sale. Guns & Gears has my eye, as does Rage of Elements. I don’t plan on limiting anything beyond that. If it’s in one of those books, it’s fair game.

Discord and OwlBear Rodeo will still be our dynamic, at least until ‘like for like’ content is enabled in which we’ll switch to Roll20. Them JumpGate updates are pretty noice. Theater of the mind is still on the table if the group is collectively interested. Maybe we go radio drama style story telling.

The three of us are politically left. This isn’t something that really comes up often in our banter or games, but we do like to put it out there for people who find that kind of information useful. We are happy to play with anyone that can get along, put differences aside, and be respectful.

We’re still looking for 2, possibly 3 players. Aiming for the standard 4 player group, but open to a 5th for the right person. I’m also very much hoping to find another woman for the group so my wife isn’t the only one. We’re looking for folks that can become long term friends for a long term campaign.

We tend to play ‘serious’ games with ‘serious’ characters, and let the comedy come from us ‘behind the scenes’. That’s not to say there isn’t any in-game comedy, as we go for a good balance. In short, we just don’t really vibe with joke characters. We like to lean into the heavier moments, and class clowns tend to ruin the moment. Fun, light-hearted characters are plenty welcome.

I plan to run a short 3-5 session game to let everyone get to know each other before the real campaign gets started. This will also give everyone a chance to make sure the group is for them. Most important thing is that we all feel comfortable at the table and enjoy each other’s company.

Hi, how open would you be to a newb joining? I’'ve played a few sessions of Pf, but everything always fell apart so the games never really got anywhere. It’s been a while since I tried, but I would dearly like to be able to give it a good try at the very least. At the very least I’m not a complete newb to playing RPG online and my Saturdays are completely open regarding games. I currently play DnD of various types; I’d actually call them all and Daggerheart. I’ve even started DMing a DH game, but r/l through a curve ball and thats on ice for now. I tend to follow the lead of the others in a group and I’m often very quiet at first, just to let me get a feel for the players and personalities.

A little bit about me the player. I’m well past teen years and have 2 grown children (neither who play) and have a grandson who plays in person games. I’m a bit jealous as I’ve never had the chance for that lol. I hope I’ve at least peeked your interest in having me join your game, but if not now perhaps for future endeavors.

Not sure if you’ve already found your crew, but I am also an East Coast GM (running Outlaws of Alkenstar for my wife and teenage children right now) that would be interested in being a player in a campaign that has a strong character focus. I also lean left, and though I am not a millennial, I consider myself an Xennial (Gen X but nearly a millennial).

The main strike against letting me join would be that in April-ish and October-ish of next year I will probably have 4 or 5 weeks where I work nights, 5 or 6 nights a week (such is the life working at a nuclear plant). I will know my schedule pretty far in advance, though, so if I am the 5th character we could invent plot-related reasons why my character is away, if desired.

If the campaign thing doesn’t work out, the looking for new friends thing might. Being an Xennial, I’m not all that hip with Discord, but my teenagers have taught me a few things, and I can learn when properly motivated. I’m edgartolman on Discord.