Hey friends!
I am looking for players for one shot or campaign for Vampire the Masquerade 5E or Hunter the Reckoning! Sessions will be on Wednesdays from 6 pm - 9 pm PST via Discord and Roll20.
However, if folks would like a different time/day just let me know! I am flexible! If you are new to the system, I can absolutely make your character for you!
If you have any questions at all please feel free to let me know!
I might be interested in a campaign in V:TM 5th edition. I have limited experience with it, though; I’ve only played a single one-shot. Tuesday or Wednesday evenings might work for me, though I am in Central Time, so a bit earlier may work better for me. I’m also free on weekends between around 11 am to 5 pm or so.
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I mean… After this week my Wednesday nights open back up…
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My Wednesday nights are still free and I’d be interested, with the caveat that I haven’t played VtM since I was a teen. Recently got back into it, though, which made me remember I had the Book of Nod on my bedside table after our friend group’s Forever DM had lent it to me. Now, decades later, I’ve played Swansong as well as some of the story games online, so the basics are familiar to me. Hit me up!
I’d like to play, my Wednesday nights are free. I played recently in person and I want to play more. I have played on Roll20 and Discord before
Hello, I would be interested in playing a V5 campaign. I have a fair amount of experience with the system and eager for some play!