I run a game on Wednesday nights, 7-10 EST over Discord. We’ve had two players drop & I’m looking for more. Concept: PC’s are soldiers fighting alternate history. You can be whatever your imagination wants to be. Post/DM me for details.
Would you be willing to accept someone new to Pathfinder?
Hi. I wasn’t sure if this was for Pathfinder exclusively as we use a different ruleset. You’re welcome join though if that’s OK. Let me know if you want the details. If it helps., the PC’s are currently in a fantasy world, but they have guns and stuff.
I am new to pathfinder but not to roleplaying, started with basic D&D back in 1979 and have been played other game systems over the years. I am looking into playing PF and this sounds like a great way to start. My Discord handle is Woulf71#8629.