Hello, I am a bit frustrated in myself for not reading carefully when purchasing the original Pathfinder 2e version of the Players Book on Demiplane. I already owned the book via Paizo, so it was discounted for me. On the details screen I saw that it said I could get both versions of the players book by buying the original on Demiplane and adding the Remaster to my cart to get it for free. In my haste I misread it as I needed to buy the original first, and then the Remaster would be free when added to my cart… when in actuality I needed to add both versions to the cart at the same time for the discount. I saw something about needing to get a promo code in an email, but then found out that was for folks who owned it before the release of the remasters.
My question is: is there any way I can still redeem the Remaster without having to fork over another $35? Am I able to get a promo code? Or could I reverse my purchase to try to do it the right way? Or are there any other options left for me? I made the purchase 20 minutes before time of posting.
Thank you for any responses.