Marvel Multiverse RPG: Cataclysm of Kang Support Thread

Now that you’ve got your heroes with the newly released Marvel Multiverse RPG character tools, it’s time to get into the adventures! Cataclysm of Kang is officially released, and it has a suite of missions from Rank 1 to Rank 6… Plus even more characters.

Get the book now!

Character Sheet Support

Cataclysm of Kang introduces Vehicles. We’ve added this functionality right onto your sheets, which you can find by scrolling down from your powers and gear. You can add your vehicle, check vehicle rules, reference it’s powers, and track it’s hit points. The sheet will even tell you once you’ve hit the threshold for your vehicle being slowed (or destroted).

In addition, Cataclysm of Kang brings you over 60 new character profiles, which are all fully loaded into the Demiplane toolset so that they’re ready to use. Whether you want to play as Aunt May (yes, that one) or terrorize your players as the almighty Kang, you’re ready to go!

If you encounter any issues with this title in Marvel Multiverse NEXUS, please let us know in this thread.