Happy Holidays! Marvel has brought you an errata for Christmas!
The Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game Nexus is now updated to match Marvel’s newest updates!
Some highlights include:
- Moving Energy Absorption, Lightning Actions, and the changes to Shield and Protection powers from Tony’s Workshop to the official rules.
- An update to the Enhanced Physique Trait.
- Changes to Telepathic Link and Network to have them function as intended.
- Further clarifications in the FAQ
- And more!
The Full Errata
Page 36
The text under Recovery is updated to:
On a success, take the Marvel die and multiply it by the character’s rank, just like you would with a damage roll.
Page 36
For the text under Recovery, the example is updated to:
On Black Panther’s next turn—while Killmonger is reveling in his victory—he spends a point of Karma to make a Health recovery check. He rolls the dice and gets 2 M 5. That totals 13 plus his 3 Resilience, so he beats the 10 target number. That gives him (6 [for the Marvel die] × 4 [for his Rank] = 24; +3 [for Resilience]) = 27 points of Health back. However, the M makes this a Fantastic success, so Black Panther doubles that result for 54 points of Health back. He adds that to his current Health of –5, bringing him back up to 49 Health. This fight isn’t over yet!
Page 36
For the text under Additional Weapons Rules, Flash-Bang Grenade is now updated to:
This works much like a frag grenade, but it does no Health damage. Instead, once you figure out where the grenade lands, compare the attack roll against the Vigilance defense of any character within 2 spaces of it. On a success, those who are affected are blinded for one round. On a Fantastic success, those who are affected are stunned for one round instead.
Page 85
In the effect for Bolts of Balthakk, it is updated to:
Effect: The character makes an Ego check with an edge against the Agility defense of a target in their line of sight. For this attack, add +1 to the character’s Ego damage bonus for every 2 points of Focus they spend. On a success, an affected target takes that total damage. On a Fantastic success, an affected target takes double that total damage and is stunned for one round.
Page 97
In the effect for Energy Absorption, the text is updated to:
Effect: The character can take any Health damage done to them (after applying any damage reduction), ignore it and add that number to their Focus instead. In this way, they can increase their Focus up to double their regular maximum Focus. Once the combat is over, any extra Focus over the character’s regular maximum Focus score fades away.
This power cannot be used again until any Focus the character gained in this way is spent.
Page 106
In the effect for Lightning Actions, the effect is updated to:
Effect: Once per round, the character can use a standard action as a reaction or a reaction as a standard action. Additionally, they can turn their Marvel die to a Fantastic success when making an initiative check.
Page 117
In the entry for Shield of the Seraphim, it is now updated with a Trigger that states:
Trigger: The character is attacked.
Page 125
In the entry for Telepathic Link, the effect is updated to:
Effect: The character can communicate telepathically with one person at a time, and they must have met or seen the other person before. The communication can be verbal, visual or even more complex, such as imparting location information. There is no limit to the distance of the communication, as long as the character and the target are in the same dimension. If the other person does not wish to speak with the character, the target can automatically tune them out. To force a telepathic link, the character can make a Logic check against the target’s Vigilance defense. On a failure, the character cannot attempt to communicate with the target in this way for the rest of the day. On a success, the character can communicate with the target for as long as the concentration lasts. On a Fantastic success, the target cannot shut the character out for the rest of the day.
Page 125
In the entry for Telepathic Network, the effect is updated to:
Effect: The character can communicate telepathically with a group of willing, previously linked people, each of whom they have met or seen before. The communication can be verbal, visual or even more complex, such as imparting location information. The group can number up to five people per rank. There is no limit to the distance of the communication, as long as everyone involved is in the same dimension.
Page 151
In Captain America’s Profile, the text for Iconic Weapon is updated to:
Captain America’s shield [+1 Melee and Agility Damage multiplier. Grants the user one extra level of the power Shield (up to Shield 4), which they can use without paying the additional level’s Focus cost.]
Page 197
In Loki’s profile, Font of Knowledge is listed under Traits. It should read:
Font of Information
Shields and Protection Powers
Excess damage for the following powers now gets through upon the destruction of the protection the power offers.
- Shield of the Seraphim
- Telekinetic Protection 1
- Telekinetic Protection 2
- Telekinetic Protection 3
- Telekinetic Protection 4
- Elemental Protection 1
- Elemental Protection 2
- Elemental Protection 3
- Elemental Protection 4
The last line for all listed powers should now be:
…it destroys the protection, allowing excess damage through.