How can I tell if my group is live on Matchmaking?
On the right hand side of the screen above where it says My Party it will say Matchmaking On with a little green dot.
I do not see it sadly. I am going through the steps to activate Matchmaking but nothing happens.
Link: Log In | Demiplane
Is the option to Turn on Matchmaking in your group settings blue or grey? If you have check marks next to everything other than Your Character Details and Turn on Matchmaking is lit up blue but doesn’t do anything then I’d like you to reach out to our support team who should be able to help a bit more in depth.
It’s lit up blue and take me to a payment set-up which I’ve done 3 times.
Yeah that’s definitely not how it should be working then. Reach out to our support team please and they’ll be better able to help from here.
Will do, thank you