There are a few situations where the minor damage threshold does not seem to be calculated as expected.
1st, the “Rise up” domain card says it “While this card is in your loadout, make your Minor Threshold the value of your Strength trait”; I would interpret this as it setting your minor (damage) threshold equal to your strength score, but it appears to be adding my strength score to the threshold instead.
The 2nd has to do with the “Prowess” domain card. Removing the “Prowess” domain card in the character creator does not remove the corresponding stat increases unless they are deselected first.
Here is an example of the 2nd bug: Demiplane
I selected the “Prowess” card but then chose to reset my class, the prowess increases to my threshold and health remain, despite me no longer having the card. It also strangely gave a threshold of 6, instead of 5.