Missing Form Descriptions

All of the form talents in the Singer tree have appearance description of one of the two forms, except for the Change Form talent (which has no description). I assume that is known, intentional, and has been brought up before; that feels weird/wrong. Like, if I haven’t read the books, what does a Warform look like? Even having read the books, what does an Artform or Mediationform look like? I’m sure they had showed up momentarily at some point, but I don’t know what they actually look like since I don’t have any descriptions on what they look like.

I don’t know if you could get Brotherwise to give you all a similarly small blurb for the second forms or if they didn’t want to give that or if there is a bug or something, but I felt I should mention it just in case it was not known.

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Happy to pass along the feedback to our friends at Brotherwise. :smile:

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