Monk Resilience Calculation Missing in Hit Points


My party leveled up (yay!) to level 4 and I had previously selected Monk Dedication Archetype (we’re using free arch) and just now selected Monk Resilience. Based on calculations and RAW, I should be receiving +6 HP upon selection. I made sure I met all reqs, such as the “no more than 8+Con” restriction (I’m a kineticist), and assuming that the Monk Dedication and Monk Resiliency contain the archetype tags, there should be an increase shown in my Hit Points tab.

However, there is just a placeholder “+0”. To further test (assuming the HP increase happens upon further archetype progression), I bumped my character to 6 for the next Monk Archetype feat and checked my Hit Points, but the calculation is still not taking place - just a placeholder +0 under the typical Ancestry/Class/Constitution values, so it seems like the calculation is missing altogether, rather than a discrepancy in the rules themselves.

Related: I know Barbarian Resilience has a similar calculation, but I haven’t tried to see if that calculation is broken as well.

Any assistance would be appreciated!

Thanks for the report, we’ll dig in and see what’s happening here!

Thanks again for the report and for your patience as we got everything for Gencon settled! I believe we have this fixed, I am now able to see my Resiliency bonus on a Monk archetype character. Can you confirm at your leisure?


Hello! I just checked my character and still do not see a change on my end. I’ve attached a screenshot of the same information you show. I also refreshed my character, removed/re-added both Monk Dedication and Monk Resiliency to my character, and the same +0 placeholder is displaying.


Hmm, thanks for the update! Could you provide a link to your character? We’ll take a closer look at what’s happening there.

Of course!

Aha, I see!

It looks like your character is using the old Beta sheet, which doesn’t receive updates. You’ll want to create a new character in order to use the current sheet, which was released in 2023.

You’ll likely see a “BETA” tag on your character like this, which shows you’re using the old version:

Once you make the character on the new sheet, you should see the proper data come in! You should also find the sheet is quite a lot faster, and has more features. :smile: The new version won’t have a Beta tag, it’ll look more like this:

Excellent! I just updated and the calculations are updated, thank you!

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Woohoo! Glad to hear it. Thanks again for the report. <3