Newb GM and party looking for new players!

Greetings all! Unfortunately I’ve had a few players leave due to scheduling conflicts with the upcoming school year. I’d love to find some replacements.

Available positions: 2 out of 5
System: Pathfinder 2e
Platform: FoundryVTT w/ Discord voice chat (video optional but not required)
Schedule: Sundays at 11:00 am MDT (flexible). I would like to have both spots filled by Sunday, September 17, 2023
Session Duration: Usually 3 hours, sometimes more.
Campaign: We are on the cusp of completing the beginners box; we are undecided on where we will go after that.

The game is open to all ages, gender expressions, and experience levels.

Fill out this short questionnaire to apply and please don’t hesitate to message me with any questions you may have.

Hello TypicalCricket,

Are you still looking for 2 players?

Are both positions filled?

Hello and sorry for not responding sooner.
Both positions have been filled, thank you for your interest

I would love to play but never played Pathfinder but played dnd and dm dnd for years. Please get ahold of me on days and times