Option to hide feats that don't meet prerequisites

In fact, this option should be ON by default. Having to navigate a huge multi-page list of feats you can’t take is frustrating and and potentially confusing for new players. Perhaps you could take a page from Pathbuilder, and list any feats you don’t meet the prerequisites for, below all the feats you can take.


Thanks for your feedback. We do intend to keep improving the ability to filter and sort options in the character tools, which would resolve this. :slight_smile:

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Yes, please.

I cannot express what a high-priority item this is for me.

I don’t make this comment as me personally making demands, but squeaky wheels do get the grease. I just transferred my players to this system, and this platform in particular, and the tedium my group goes through during level-up to sort through the feats system is … just the worst.

The worst part about it is, you get so used to seeing the blocked-out feats that you end up passing by feats you CAN take just because your eyes get tired after sorting lines and lines and lines of text.

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Yes I agree this is a must have. Character builder would be so much better and remove a huge barrier to entry for new players as the feat system for PF2e is maybe the only thing on the more complicated side.
Any News for this functionality ?

Hi Ahzdar! No news at this time, the way that we load-in large lists like feats makes this a very tricky proposition to do correctly. We’re continuing to look into ways to approach this that wouldn’t make the load-times incredibly slow. Appreciate the ask!

I realize that I just bumped another thread on pretty much the same topic, so sorry if it looks like I am spamming but I was looking for some clarity on what the asterik in the blue square means in the Prereq column? Example: see Exhort the Faithful in kruvek’s screenshot above.

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No problem Davelozzi!

That usually means that there’s a unique pre-requisite (which will be shown on the feat) that we can’t currently check on our end. This might be a data field we don’t have a way to properly check, or a narrative prerequisite (like “be a member of this organization”) So it’s to indicate that you should check the prereqs on the feat to make sure you qualify!

Bumping this thread because this feature is so badly needed. Please consider giving this filter option greater priority.

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