Hi there,
Pathfinder: Malevolence costs 20$ on the Paizo website.
Pathfinder: Crown of the Kobold King is 30$ on the Paizo Website.
Yet they’re both 35$ on Demiplane.
It feels like Malevolence is accidentally higher in price? It’s a much smaller book than the higher priced adventures. I was going to buy it but it’s almost double the price here.
Is this a mistake?
The most likely reason is if you don’t own the pdf from paizo already an have it linked is u will be getting the pdf
Hey that’s not it, unfortunately.
I’m saying that Paizo sell this book for a lower price. 20$.
Nexus sells it for 35$. That’s the price Nexus sells other books that Paizo charges more for. I think they’ve accidentally got the Malevolence price wrong.
Thanks for the report! This was before my time, so I’ll dig into it and see why this may be the case and if it’s intentional or not.