Pathfinder Nexus: why bother buying the Bestiaries?

Could someone please explain the benefits of buying the Bestiaries on Demiplane? It looks like all the monster stats and lore is available for free. Am I missing out on something by not owning the Bestiaries?

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Hahahahaha :rofl: You are right that all monster stats and lore is available for free. You can 100% play without buying the bestiaries. Buying them on Demiplane would get them all together in the source book so you can navigate it as the other books and the PDF at Paizo. I personally plan of buying them last (eventually) for the sake of completion, but are last in my priority list due to what you are pointing out.

Only reason I have them is they were in the bundle :slight_smile:


I do have the first Bestiary from the Humble Bundle as well XD it is a pretty book.

Eventually I would wager there will be an encounter manager.


Yes, the devs have confirmed that an encounter manager is planned for when Demiplane is fully launched.


I am new to PF2. For me, there is a great benefit in being able to mouse over a term or spell name and get a quick, concise description. Also, having the art up along with the name and stat block helps me become familiar with the new stuff.


It does help immensely as a GM not having to look for the right page or to gather the right creature cards, since it is already there.

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The reason people are asking is because you can access any of the creatures on demiplane without buying the book, so there doesn’t seem much point currently paying for content already available for free on here.

My assumption is its because Paizo insist that all core rule content is free from all vendors (foundry, Pathbuilder etc.) and will only let partners charge for using them in specific features (such as a character builder) but they won’t allow you to paywall the content itself.

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