Post your character (mods please remove if this is not allowed)

It was close to bedtime when I posted so I did not go in depth or suggest any improvements. I think you came up with double what I would have.

Green Sonja!
I had a D&D4E character called Red Ethel, not a warrior woman but a battle bimbo.
That as an orc.

Meet Bantalla

Seraph of Sharness - because we don’t have a Deity guide yet COUGH - so standard warnings apply XD
I did her up as a way to get a feel for the system, mostly. I like the Seraph idea, though…I’m not sure about the execution.

Combat Medic lets her scurry around a battlefield, apply enough first aid to stabilize people, and punch people out if they get in her way XD. It has some minor crafting (stretchers, crutches, etc), minor surgery, and minor “carry people so they don’t become further hurt” athletics attached.

Escort is a bit broad, but also has a pair of limits - it only works when she’s with someone else, and there is some sort of traveling involved. The first half involves things like noting likely sources of danger or ambush, and doing all the prep for going from one place to another - buying supplies, seeing to mounts, looking up inn ratings - and maintaining security while traveling. The second half is very social - she can judge a room’s Or client’s mood, make witty or humorous small talk, practice basic etiquette, some small performance stuff, note people of note, seduce, and…well…Sharness insists, you know? yeah. Bala doesn’t do that much, though she is a very good marital aid to couples. Unlike Bodyguard, you aren’t getting any evasion out of this one, and the only way she’s detecting poison is if she eats it herself (which, she will poison taste if a client asks it, and she likes them enough)

and here she is at level 10

As you can see by the cards, Her experience with Hold the Line is going to be front and center by this point, giving both attack and evasion (in the “I know how to deflect damage without faltering” way), and her Combat Medic is still chipping in to hit as well. Hold the Line’s limit is it is defensive - it doesn’t do her a wit of good if she’s charged into something. It does provide some benefits to things like knowledge and practices for fortifications, maintaining moral, and some strategy as it relates to defense. Might get you some history on defensive measures on Disadvantage.

Yes, Escort got an upgrade. She’s less able to handle lower-end social situations, but she is up on nobility, their interactions and dramas, and her etiquette has improved. And the pay is better.

Will to Surmount activates when things go badly - it let’s her think clearly in crisis, keep going in opposition to being exhausted, mentally or physically, and helps her push herself past the point of harm for her goals. It’s not the healthiest thing to do, but when everything is falling apart, she will be the rock to hold to in the storm.

Bureaucracy (is a…) gives her a grasp of how to work a system - get the right paperwork to the right place in a manner that someone will actually pay attention to. But it’s more focused on the dirty side of things - how much to bribe, and how to bring the matter up, who can be bribed, where to look for dirt, how to take advantage of office in-fighting, that sort of thing, rather than the legal or accounting sides of the system.

also of note - She switches in Armorer during short rests, to benefit herself and the party with armor repair. Which is going to happen every short rest. so much repair. omg.

“Naked Aggression” + “Raw Animal Magnetism” has me rolling though I am interested in what your background will say to support those experiences.

@the_rippy_one Attitude like “A Tired Office Mother” which also had me going, exasperated at all times by everything :rofl:

Here is my Ribbet Wizard: Timmany!
He is flavored as an Apprentice Frost Mage.

Here is ‘Bellamy’ a Clank Troubadour Bard, who is searching for his creator’s daughter Inara. Bellamy was sold to a river trader but doesn’t know why.

Well, “Naked Aggression” is a phrase that acts as a narrative hook.
Green Sonja focuses on relentless competition.
Green Sonja enjoys violent conflict.
Half the kingdom has seen Green Sonja topless.
Definitely going for a lighthearted and humorous character. (different from a joke character)
forced to create a backstory she would be from a tribe of amazon orcs that “kidnap” men. lighthearted humor! every male volunteered and chose to be taken away, but Green Sonja’s mother and aunts are too “uncomplicated” to realize that.
Instinct +0, Knowledge -1 and she had to leave because her family and friends were too dumb for her to put up with.


First-time poster here… Forgive me if I mess this up somehow.

I have an unhealthy obsession with creating characters in any system, and often writing way too much lore for ideas that only ever see the character builder! So naturally I went and created 7 already :sob:

My favourite is probably Sasha and Rumble -

She’s a teenage halfling who acts like any teenage girl does! Her community was that of wandering halflings, who operated like a sort of fantasy bison caravan, hunting wild creatures and monsters and crafting items to sell in villages they passed by, absorbing lots of different cultures and races.
Sasha’s father was the lead hunter for the group, and she wanted to follow in his footsteps however he didn’t feel like she was ready, in a tantrum she went to hunt her first kill, almost getting wiped out herself but landing a lucky fatal blow, only to find a very small Rumble bundled up in some leaves next to a tree. She managed to keep him hidden for quite some time, but eventually, her father found out and said she had to kill him! :boar: Sasha took rumble and ran away, they have been together since :relaxed:

If anyone would like to have the story of any of my other 6, let me know!

So I went ahead and made 18 characters - one of each race and each subclass in various combinations - because that’s the kinda guy I am! How better to test them all out than to make them all, right!?

Now I don’t want to drown you all in the backstories and sheets out the gate, but for the sake of interest here is a “short” list - let me know what tickles you and I’ll link it with a short background. They all have portraits too!

Quillion - Guardian (Vengeance)
Clank / Underborne “Big Dwarf Automaton”

Sir Keeble - Seraph (Divine Wielder)
Ribbit / Seaborne “Frog Arthurian Knight”

Faustus - Bard (Troubadour Metal)
Daemon / Seaborne “Heavy Metal Punk”

Sigurd Summitstrider - Ranger (Beastbound)
Dwarf / Underborne “Mountaineer w/ Badger named Bruce”

Karga One-Eye - Druid (Warden of the Elements)
Giant / Ridgeborne “Orphan raised by Mountain Elemental Spirits”

Keldrahar - Sorcerer (Primal Origin)
Elf / Loreborne “Battle Mage aspiring to perfection”

Galleus of the Garnet Sands - Warrior (Slayer)
Human /Wanderborne “Escaped Gladiator”

Brogol - Guardian (Stalwart)
Orc / Orderborne “Savage Monk raised by Humans seeking Inner Peace”

Morbo the Magnificent - Wizard (School of Knowledge)
Halfling / Loreborne “Theatre Illusionist Seeking his lost Wife”

Krask’oro Kon - Sorcerer (Elemental Origin Fire)
Drakona / Highborne “Rich kid with gifted fire magic has to prove himself to his family by gaining a Dragon’s approval”

Kayden Shadowstep - Rogue (Nightwalker)
Katari / Wanderborne “On the run charlatan who is one step ahead of the bounty on his head”

Klatu - Seraph (Winged Sentinel)
Faerie / Ridgeborne “Hercules Beetle Faerie out to rescue his community from an ill fate and mad about it”

Varook - Druid (Warden of Renewal)
Faun / Wildborne “Mildly unhinged, but super (uncomfortably) friendly hermit”

Ahgra - Bard (Wordsmith)
Galapa /Slyborn “Turtle raised by a Pirate who uses words as weapons”

Skarsnoo - Rogue (Syndicate)
Goblin / Slyborne “Noble house pet is expunged for stealing for his mistress and getting caught”

Zin’thoth - Ranger (Wayfinger)
Fungril / Wildborne “Gathers intel on other races to report to his cluster, tries to “blend in” poorly”

Mohgrin - Warrior (Brave)
Firbolg / Orderborne “Last of a Warrior Tribe, Ex-Soldier with a chip on his shoulder”

Tycho - Wizard (School of War)
Simiah / Highborne “Last of a long line of War Wizards, failed his people and became a slave, seeks redemption”

Sorry that was still pretty long. Let me know if you guys are interested in any and I’ll post a follow up with a link to the sheet.

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Rumble is an adorable name for a pork.

I like it, interesting take on the nomadic halfling hunting culture, I like that. Not just sitting around farming, eating and drinking. It’s a solid backstory and obviously a Ranger (Beastbound) concept. Keen nose is self explanatory - but how do you see yourself employing “we’re going to be best friends?” Any outside the box thinking with that or is it just a “I’m very likable” kind of trait? Either way I like it.

I wouldn’t mind seeing your next favorite :slight_smile:

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Love the concept - I feel the idea of Clanks getting lost or given up is going to be a common one. Mines similar - though less emotionally invested.

I’m curious how are you going to spin the relationship with the River Merchant? I assume they didn’t want to let you wander off in search of Inara? You’re experiences are a little long, I couldn’t read the entire caption. How would you employ “Heartbroken?” and “Respectful” in your mind? What’s the angle on those?

The full plethora of characters is absolutely on the same wavelength as myself, and these are all so good!

I am very drawn to Faustus and Brogol and would love to know more about them?

Thanks for sharing and sparking further creative juices!

Hi @ashhobbses!

Thanks for taking a look :slight_smile:

Faustus was inspired by a particular song from a band called “Avatar” - the song is called “Torn Apart” if you want to take a gander. Essentially I got tired of the seducing, lute playing, conventional bard trope and thought to myself - where is the rebel youth, the passionate artist who is inspired by the greatness around them. To that end I made Faustus, a scrappy young Daemon who takes inspiration from the massive storms that rage across his coastal home. Using a combination of magic and music he made something new, a sort of “lightning music” with speed, reverb, and a lot of punch. Naturally most folks are used to that Lute player, so he isn’t receiving a positive reception so, instead of being down about it, he just blames them for their lack of vision - you know what I mean :slight_smile:

Perhaps his shadowed lineage has something to do with his mysterious and aggressive muse?? Regardless I tried to pick abilities and traits that resonated with the concept of the storm and the sea. I imagine a lot of intense guitar solos and yelling in his future!

Faustus Bregg Character Sheet

Brogol is one of my older concepts - his family were marauders and raiders who assaulted a mountaintop monastery and were rebuffed. His mother fell with him still swaddled in a papoose. The people of the temple took him in and raised him in their values and beliefs, thinking he would be one of them. And it worked for his entire life, until puberty hit and in a blind rage (a hallmark of Orcs) he accidentally, but fatally, wounded his childhood bestfriend in a sparring match. The inner beast revealed, and veiled in shame, he was exiled from the temple with the ultimatum that he can return when he has not only mastered the beast within himself, but also found the strength to forgive himself for what he had done. Since he has travelled the lands doing good, aiding those in need by whatever means he could.

Brogol was an exercise in how to make a Monk in Daggerheart, not easy and there isn’t a lot of perks that focus on bare fist and foot. I took the quarterstaff as it made sense, though I may work with whatever GM I have to “counts as” dual daggers or something as fists to represent his martial upbringing.

Brogol Character Sheet

I admit, I don’t love the lack of Evasion from the Guardian class, but I do like the unarmored armor. Could represent it more like deflecting attacks than actively dodging them. Especially with the Orc racial and some of the guardian abilities mitigating losing armor when struck. It’s all in the narrative :slight_smile:

Thanks for having a gander!
Feedback welcome :slight_smile:

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Thanks for sharing more details! These are both such interesting and unique characters with a real flavour and some great depth and progression. I somehow feel like I relate to them both :joy:

I especially love the punk rock bard idea. It has so much room for a fun and memorable character, but also, growth.

I can see you have a flair for creating characters in just this short preview. Which one is your favourite so far from your list?

Rumble is my absolute favourite animal companion I have probably ever created!

For every warrior princess with a white tiger, there is a fun loving halfling with a giant boar! I just love this idea and I think with this game, I am finding myself creating things I wouldn’t have attempted in some other TTRPG’s. That much I love about the system so far :grin: it’s certainly refreshing :slightly_smiling_face:

As for my next favourite character. Meet M-CEE!

I saw the wordsmith and instantly had this character pop into my mind. A playful “Jokey” character on the surface, but every party needs some comic relief! They are basically all those classic 80s and early 90s rapper tropes wrapped in golden robot armour :joy: with the skill around rhyming, I can just see myself trying to come up with these terrible raps, and it actually having a real effect rather then flavour! They’re story is less tragic or in depth as others, essentially they were created by a famous bard (two lutes) as an idea to have a clank hypeman. Soon they realised they were too good at rhyming and got worried they may steal their own fans, so left them behind when setting sail from the “east coast”. M-CEE, confused, began refining his craft and perfecting his flow. Putting on shows and slowly building a small fan base. Ready for the next steps in his career as a word smith, he decided to step away from the coast and go on a “world tour”. Maybe he will get signed to a guild?!

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Thank you,

Oh man, that’s tough. It really depends on what my mood is and what I’m after. They’re all tailor made for me so it makes it extra hard. Also, I am usually the GM in my group so I don’t get to play much - so these characters either start as NPC’s or just get tweaked and fine tuned year after year waiting for their debut.

Most of these concepts have stretched back a long time and have been refined and tweaked over that same period of time. I can’t really pick one.

Morbo was a NPC in a game I ran where the PC’s would consistently find his keep sakes in a dungeon, journal entries, random nick nacks, and even magic items on his quest to find his wife. That campaign never ended but he was meant to become a Lich and a final enemy - kind of a tragic hero who did everything to find and save his wife. He has a special place in my heart.

But they’re all important to me - and this system was an excellent opportunity to flesh them out and make them new. I definitely feel the system is more fluid narratively and has a lot of potential by rewarding you for playing your character as they should be with the experience mechanic.

I think it’s a tight race between Brogol, Quillion, Morbo, Krask’oro, Kayden, and Skarsnoo.

The rest are newer or heavily modified from their original idea into this new iteration.

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My preferred companion is a Badger named Bruce - made a Dwarf campaign some years back and one of the pregenned players had a Bruce, now all my Dwarf rangers have one :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

M-CEE is hilarious, get some Stupendium verbage going and I’m game lol. Is that Blitzcrank from LoL?

How do you imagine The G.O.A.T to play into the game? And Flashy for that matter?

My joke character is probably Varook - I dub him Aggressively Amiable. He is a hermit that is insane and uncomfortably friendly. No concept of personal space at all. Just a fun little insane faun from the woods :slight_smile:

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I have not plugged it into Daggerheart yet but the beast companion idea I like most is from a tiny side joke in one of DC’s weird offshoots can’t remember if it was Tangent or Just imagine Stan Lee and _____ create-. When real superheroes show up a sleazy comic publisher tries to cash in and there is a one-page joke of their other titles, and they are all lame jokes pointing at Batman and Superman. “The Crusading Cape”, “The Superstitious Lot” the one that sounded good was “Circus adventures with Ben Steel and his Bear Hans” a Circus strongman and animal trainer.

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I like that, I also had an idea of a young farmer whose family farmstead gets attacked but he manages to escape with only himself and his families prized bull (whom he rides). Character is unhomed and has nowhere to go so he travels with his bull trying to find himself :slight_smile:

Enter “Foo Two,” the Highborne Clank Vengeance Guardian.
