Promoting Kickstarters with 5ENexus


I love that Ghostfire Gaming now included Demiplane support as a part of their Kickstarter. Hopefully as things explode, I’d like to see on Demiplane a page dedicated to kickstarters/incoming partnerships. Also, maybe a place for people to voice their support for their favorite creators to partner with Demiplane

As someone who wants to completely move away from WotC content I want to now only support creators who are partnering with Demiplane so I can make Demiplane my one-stop-shop for content and probably Foundry VTT as the place I use that content during a game.

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Hello and thanks for posting.

We will certainly have more visibility into what is happening with 5e NEXUS and all of our other games as we get a little further down the road. It might not take the form of a page like you describe, but we will be sure to make it clear what’s going on with our various games and partners.

We’re still very much in the “build it” phase of things, but we’re getting closer to the “they will come” phase and are looking forward to it.
