Question about Healing Hands Deck Card

The card reads:
Healing Hands
Make a Spellcast Roll (13) and target a creature other than yourself in melee. On a success, mark a Stress to heal the target 2 Hit Points or 2 Stress. On a failure, mark a Stress to heal the target 1 Hit Point or 1 Stress. You can’t heal the same target again until after your next short rest.

Perhaps I’m taking the phrasing of this too literal… but does “You can’t heal the same target again until after your next short rest.” mean ANY healing, or just not with this spell (I assume its this one, but again, phrasing)?

For example, can I cast HEALING HANDS, and then follow up with MENDING TOUCH, or no? If no, then IMHO this really adds a lot to strategy and timing (but not in a fun way).

Based on what the spell does, and how it’s used I would say the limitation is specific to this card’s effect. If otherwise, the card would feel to big of a risk to use, for the benefit it provides.

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Thanks! I would assume the same. I’ll speak more with my DM if it comes up again (once I find a group).