Question about Marvel Multiverse RPG Demiplane functionality

Will Demiplave have a virtual tabletop feature? Will it have an online dice roller and editable character sheets that all players in a game campaign can see to facilitate online play?

Hi there! Demiplane is not a VTT and so we will not have VTT features for Marvel, however the character tools and on-sheet rolling (which is a fantastic resource with this game if I do say so myself!) are in active development. We’ll be sharing more about the status of that development in the not too distant future, so keep an eye out!

Will the dice include the Marvel logo? What is the timeline like for digital tools release? The core rulebook is now officially released.

The core rulebook is available now on the NEXUS. We aren’t ready to share details about the Marvel tools quite yet. As far as timeline goes, we expect that our Vampire character tools will be the next ones available, with Marvel character tools releasing after that.

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