Radiant Items Disappearing & Empowered Condition

Hello again,

The two radiant items (blade and plate) seem to disappear from my character’s sheet. Sometimes I open it up and they’re both there, others one is gone and the other is there, and most recently both are gone. The ideals’ goals remained completed throughout all of these stages.

Additionally, since I don’t want to clutter the page further, the Empowered condition remains on the character sheet forever once applied.

Thanks for the report! Could you provide a link to your character where this is happening? It’ll help us sort out what’s going on!

Sorry for the wait

As of 9:39PM, the shardblade returned, and so has the shardplate, but the plate does not register in the stats when equipped (deflect still at 1)


Thanks so much for the additional information!

These should now be fixed. For the Shardplate, you may just need to toggle it to inactive and then active again for the effects of the fix to apply.