Reporting accessibility issues and bugs

Is there someplace specific? For reporting accessibility issues?

I want to start off, saying that the Demiplane nexus team has done a pretty good job and accessibility and all overall! You were way easier to use than my previous PDF to character generating program. I feel together character reasonably quickly and well. I’m still working through some of the details, I had a lot less problems than I did, when using a cello to put things together. And I also noticed with some experimenting that your dice roller is working very well on iOS is for People using a screen reader features to play. That’s some thing that the HLO a service has yet to manage.
So far here, I’ve only come across a few unlabeled buttons. Off the top, my head the options for what game system you want to access are all graphic with no labels. And in the section where I am trying to add and memorize spells, there are three buttons at the very beginning of the spell description That are unlabeled. One goes back one goes way back to like the beginning of character creation or some thing and the other I’m not quite sure about… But anyway, on top of care is not exactly for reporting those issues, but asking where and or to who I should be reporting these issues.

And really just to be perfectly clear the number of errors I have come across where I was really flummoxed by accessibility were really limited to unlabeled buttons. There were no problems with the voiceover screen, reader interaction, pop-up windows, etc.… But unlike both buttons can be devastating. Fortunately, you don’t have the same problem as HOL where There are no section labels or distinctions between expended and collapsed section buttons! That makes using a cello very very frustrating and time-consuming because you never really know where you are and when you expand and then labeled section, find out what it is and if you were to go out of it and collapse it, you’d have to Basically hunt and peck until you found it again or you found the one you’re looking for! Anyway, I’m babbling here let me stop and let someone answer my questions… Basically I’m saying good job, but there are some unlevel buttons who are where do I report these to?

This is the perfect place to report them! Accessibility is something that’s important to us to get right, and labelling buttons is something on our short-term roadmap, so if you have any additional details you’d like to share regarding those buttons, you can drop them in a reply here and our team will take a look!