I’ve reported this a number of times to support, but still no remedy. It seems like the credit card I’m saving for my subscription keeps getting deleted. It’s really hard to have faith in this service if, every month, I could lose characters and have to re-establish my content shares because there’s no payment method saved to pay for the subscription.
Hi Erik,
I just responded to your support ticket. We just recently switched over to a new service to handle the recurring payments for a Demiplane Membership, because of the issues with the old service. The new service also allows for several highly requested features, including PayPal for Membership payments and annual Memberships.
I will reiterate the solution I offered in your ticket here, in case other users who have had issues with the previous subscription service are looking for answers: We can cancel the Membership tied to the old service and then start a new one with a clean slate on the new service. This will happen automatically the next time a recurring payment is made, but we can also do it manually now for folks who have had issues with the old system, to get it over with sooner. While the Membership is down, if you don’t access your characters, nothing will happen to them, and then the issue should be resolved for you.
That finally worked now that my cancellation has completed and I could re-subscribe using the new system. The funny thing is that my credit card was not deleted since the last time I put it in. It lasted 6 whole days, which was a record.
I’m glad to hear that did it! Your card information and your Membership should both be good to go now.