Small improvement to filtering content

I love that we have the ability to filter feats, spells, etc by books owned in the character builder, but I was wondering if there are plans to make it a saved setting by account or at least individual character so players don’t have to keep selecting the same sources over and over.

Especially with Pathfinder, which has a lot of selections made between Ancestry, heritage, background, class, subclass, spells, feats, etc… It’s a lot of making the same source selection every single time you get to a new step of customization. In some cases (spells being divided into cantrips and different ranks) even sub steps.

It’s not as big of an issue through leveling up when you’re only adding a couple of things here and there. But when it comes to that initial character build, it’s a lot of making the same selections over and over. I worry that when I finally move my group from D&D Beyond to Demiplane for Pathfinder, this will add to the perception of difficulty that Pathfinder has.

Love everything that Demiplane has been adding (character editor is such a nice thing to have), and the expanded ecosystem coming with the Roll20 merger has made the whole experience feel more ‘feature complete’ as a whole. For me at least, this feature is the last ‘quality of life’ thing that really holds me back from being able to dive in, confident that my players won’t get frustrated.

Devs, QA, everyone really, keep up the good work. And if you guys are ever looking for a .NET guy, let me know :wink:

Thanks for the request, I’ll pass it along and see what our devs are able to do about it!