SOLVED: Bug Report: Character Sheet - Chyron Cyberware messes up the formatting

Hello again,

I have found another bug in the character sheet.

The Chyron cyberware option for the Cybereye messes up the formatting of the cyberware sidebar.
It looks like the markup of the Chyron is wrong. If I don’t have a Chyron added the sidebar looks fine.
The sidebar shows the name of the cyberware, followed by the ‘Notes’ text field and then the description.

However, if I add a Chyron option to a Cybereye, the sidebar for the Chyron is already false. It show the name, followed by the ‘Notes’ text field, followed by name and partial description and then the description. Furthermore, with the Chyron added, the sidebar for every other cyberware shows the name and partial description of the Chyron between the ‘Notes’ text field and its own description.

If I remove the Chyron, everything works fine again.

Best regards,

Thanks for the report mo! I’ve passed along the feedback but I wanted to mention that from looking at the Note that’s being added this might be intentional. We’ll add notes to certain sections of a sheet when there’s a feature that interacts with them and could otherwise be easily missed. In this case I suspect it’s set up that way since the Chyron cybereye projects a screen for you to get messages from your other cyberware.

Like I said though, I passed the feedback along so that we can see if there’s a better way to display this information.

That makes a lot of sense. I probably was confused, because I noticed it on the Chyron sidebar first and was wondering why the name and description were duplicated and then noticed it appearing for other cyberware. If I’d noticed it on other cyberware first, maybe I would have guessed the purpose. (Or maybe not :sweat_smile:)

Thanks for the quick reply.