Surprising Power is not working properly for the Magic Power Sets

Hi, the Trait: Surprising Power is not allowing the selection of any of the Magics: Sorcery, Cursed, nor Chaotic powers - without taking that origin, which goes against the spirit of Surprising Power.


Hello razor.spo! Thanks for the report, we’ll take a look.

In the short-term, you can get around this issue by hitting the cogwheel icon in the top right of the center panel, and click “ignore prerequisites”. We’ll work on fixing this for the long-term, though!

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Yep … and thank you =)

Did you pick up the required tag? Chaotic, cursed, sorcery?

Surprising Power trait lets you ignore an Origin which would have granted those tags, but you’d still need to pick up the tags on your own as Surprising Power doesn’t ignore tag requirements.

Oh-ho! CrankyRobo, I do believe you’re correct. We’ll pop a message over to the design team at Marvel just to verify in case, but I think you’ve cracked this nut.

It seems to work correctly when I did by selecting Cursed tag.

1st Image Cursed tag wasn’t selected in Traits & Tags page so the Surprising Power section (of Powers & Weapons page) didn’t let me pick Possession in Magic set since Surprising Power doesn’t let one skip any Tag prerequisites, just Origins and Ranks

2nd Image I picked Cursed tag

3rd Image Surprising Power section can now select the Possession power from Magic set.

The Sorcerous, Cursed, and Chaotic tags don’t have restrictions and anyone can pick them up (they should have narrative reasons, of course). Seems folks are confusing the issue by thinking they need the Origins to get the tags rather than those with the Origins are required to pick up the tags. Surprising Power can skip origin but not the part where someone still needs to get the other prerequisites (that isn’t rank or origin) on their own.

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