Tales of the Valiant

I backed the Tales of the Valiant Kickstarter and I will be getting pdfs from there. Is there a discount if I own those pdfs/books from there?


There is nothing like that in place now, but we will continue to work with Kobold Press to explore opportunities and will share more details when we have them. :slight_smile:

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I backed ToV and already have the Alpha. I will have the full PDF/VTT release when it goes live, too. I feel very unmotivated right now to drop the money on a platform membership if my currently owned PDF library can’t be used.

I hope that any purchases made through the Nexus ALSO include my own copy of the PDF for my own records, so I’m not just renting the ability to use an asset I actually don’t have full ownership of. That is one of the things I despise about Wizards of the Coast. My owned assets are actually just very expensive rentals.

Please work HARD to ensure that people who own KP and other 3rd party assets can use your site to share their books and adventures.

Just as we do with all of our publishers, we’ll distribute Kobold Press’s content per our license with them.

We actively support the concept of purchasing the NEXUS version of a book and also providing a PDF with that purchase if the publisher supports it (see Pathfinder NEXUS), or the concept of bundling hardcover / PDF / NEXUS versions (see Magpie or Vampire).

If Kobold Press makes either option available for the full release of Tales of the Valiant (or some other way for backers to receive some kind of benefit), we will be very willing to work with them. The same would go for any other publisher we work with.

The thing we can’t do is give everything away for free - that’s a direct route for us to not be able to build great tools any longer - but we are committed to being as good as we can to fans while still maintaining viability as a business (and I believe our track record already suggests that).

We’ll keep exploring opportunities and share more as we have news.



Heya, I see it is under the 5e grouping and not it’s own game system. Is this for a reason? Like will the character sheet work correctly for Tales of the Valiant (e.g. their feats and Luck points etc?)


Yes, there are several reasons, one of which is 5e NEXUS will be a hub for multiple 5e-based or 5e-offshoot games like Tales of the Valiant, or something like the content that Ghostfire publishes.

Even though Tales of the Valiant can be played standalone, the demand for compatibility with other 5e content throughout the playtest and release of that game has validated our approach. i.e. if we had set up ToV isolated from the rest of 5e, it would now make it a more or less insurmountable pain to retrofit other 5e things back into the game. We have to leave things very open-ended when it comes to 5e DNA games for compatibility.

Having said that, we will naturally need to support all of the “variant” rule mechanics that these 5e-based games introduce, so yes, the character tools for Tales of the Valiant will support the core mechanics contained therein. This flexibility is the chief challenge for us making 5e NEXUS character tools work, and we’re focused on getting it right.

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