Third Party Login Options for DemiPlane

Will you guys be adding a “Login with Apple” option to the login page?

We don’t have any short-term plans to add Apple as a login option, but it’s very possible that we could add it in the future. :slight_smile:

Welcome to yet another pf2e tool that’s aggressive in their lack of support for Apple users. Although due to the shear number of trackers on this site I suspect they actively refuse to support “sign in with Apple” because Apple allows users to obfuscate nearly all their personal information.

I’m not sure how you interpreted “We don’t have any short-term plans to add Apple as a login option, but it’s very possible that we could add it in the future. :slight_smile:” as aggression, but I’ll reiterate:

We won’t be adding Apple sign-in support in the short term (due to other priorities), but it is - truly - very possible we could add it in the future, particularly if we hear feedback from users that want that as an option.


Not addressing the tracker/privacy points I see ….

Not, not addressing them - we don’t do anything I haven’t seen on hundreds of other comparable websites.

We’re not hiding anything or doing anything nefarious. Our Privacy Policy provides all the details anyone would need so I don’t need to address anything in a forum post.

Additionally, anything we do with those things on the site won’t have any bearing on any decision we make about including Apple as a sign-in option.

Public Service Announcement:

The opinions of Mr Dufus are his own, and do not reflect those of the original poster. In addition, we would like to recognize Mr Dufus’ vast wisdom in his choice of screen name. It is both humorous and accurate.

Thank you.