I run a Pathfinder campaign for 4 players. All four have sent me links to view their characters and have set said characters on their ends to be viewable to anyone with a link. For 3 of the 4 characters, everything seems to work fine. For the fourth player, when I view his character all of the fields on the detail screen remain blank, even though he has data in there. This has been going on for several months. The only workaround is that he shared me his login info, and if I login as him, I can see everything fine. I have doublechecked his settings and tried multiple times to reshare the character from his end, via link and via QR code., but no matter what we do, the details remain blank anytime I view the character when I am not logged in as him. Any idea what could be happening and how we could fix this?
Would you be willing to share a link to the character in question? I want to see if we can replicate it on our end.
Yes, sure, will message you directly.
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In case anyone else is having a similar issue, Eve figured it out, it is simply that the Clean Light theme shows up as white on white in some fields, I just had to get my player to change their theme.