Unable to make hecata with oblivion

I have purchased the corebook and players guide but the sheet won’t let me get the discipline Oblivion without Chicago by night. Oblivion powers are also printed in the players guide.

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Indeed they are - if you own the Players Guide, you should see all of those powers available in it.

We’ve checked and see the Oblivion discipline is coming through for any of the sheets we’re looking at, so we might need a little more information.

Are you trying to access Oblivion in the character builder or specifically the character sheet? You should be able to see it in the Disciplines & Powers section inside either the Creation or Progression blocks in the builder, or by using the “Manage” button in the Disciplines & Powers bottom section of the character sheet.

If that doesn’t help, please submit a support ticket where we can gather a little more information and get you up and running with the powers of darkness!

I was using the character builder trying to create a character I am currently playing in a game. When I got to disciplines and assigning initials points oblivion is locked and clicking the unlock button displays CbN

Going to manage> discs gives me this

Definitely should be able to see Oblivion there if you own the Players Guide. Please submit the support ticket where we can get your account details to investigate and get it resolved.


Ticket is submitted

Having the exact same issue, except unable to add Oblivion through the Predator type Graverobber.
I have the player’s guide and it wants me to buy Chicago By Night.

Edit: I seem unable to log into your support site.
I’m on Firefox, Windows 10 if that matters.

Alright - the team sank their teeth into this one and it should be resolved now. It might take a little time for the fix to rollout to everyone, but a refresh in the next 30 minutes or so should do the trick.

Thanks for the reports!

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Working for me now. Thank you very much

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