Upcoming modules

I know that the X-Men are coming up in the summer but are there going to be other scenarios like Murderworld coming out. Also it would be nice to have an equipment, vehicle, headquarters modules.


I can confirm that we have a sequel mission to The Murderworld That Time Forgot in the works for Demiplane-exclusive content! Outside of that, I know that Marvel has announced both an X-Men and Spiderverse expansion to the game for 2024.


Do you think Jim Zub could do a Thunderbolts scenario?

Any news on a potential time of year for the follow up adventure?

I just started running this for my game group, and don’t want to set up the next part of the adventure if it’s coming out next year.


We have begun work on the next adventure and will share updates as we have them. We do expect it will release in the first half of this year. :slight_smile:


Any updates on the next adventure?

The follow up adventure we started work on has been halted due to some updates in Marvel’s roadmap that were too similar to what we were targeting for it.

We don’t have any additional updates on any further adventure content from us at this time, but I’ll share the good news is the fun stuff we had intended should indeed make it into other future Marvel projects for the game, so you won’t be missing out on it. Keep an eye out for their upcoming Deadpool and X-Men content in particular.



It’s been a while and with Demiplane and Roll20 combining was wondering if there are any adventuress being written. With the Books taking time understandably these smaller adventures are a good way to keep people interested.

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Hi there Wildcard64!

Nothing we can share at this time for the Murderworld follow-up adventure. We’ll shout from the rooftops when we have something exciting to shout. :wink: