Update for the Demiplane x Roll20 Integration!

You asked for it and Peter is here to DELIVER! :smiley:

We are thrilled to launch our first blog unveiling the Roll20 x Demiplane Integration!

This has been discussed and planned over the past few months and now, we’re starting to see all of the benefits of our shared platforms come together.

This is a blog from Peter Romenesko, Lead for Demiplane.

While this is a longer blog than what you usually expect, it is packed with a lot of information:

  • Alpha Phase (February 2025)
  • Cross-Platform Sync (Buy Once, Get It Twice!)
  • Shared Subscription Benefit Plans
  • Pathfinder 2nd Edition
  • And more!

We look forward to celebrating this milestone with you and cannot wait to release more information in the coming weeks.


YASS! This is the Way.

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Alpha still on target for this month?…

Yup! By end of this month! We will be announcing the official date soon! :smiley:


Just confirming, thought I saw this was going into Alpha today.

It is, indeed! We are waiting on the Developers to give us the green light :smiley:



Discord announcement indicates a delay till tomorrow.

Correct! I am trying to catch all the places we posted.
We appreciate the patience and will update the moment we can tomorrow!

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Personally, I just appreciate the communication. Thank you for that.

Absolutely! We have no reason not to! Overcommunication is better than no communication and we will always do our best to do the former. <3

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Okay NOW we’re live :smiley:


So if I bought the books on R20 and synched my accounts together then I should have the same books available on Demiplane?

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Hey there! Correct (and vice versa!) for the following:

  • ALL Marvel Titles
  • ALL Paizo Titles
  • ALL Alien: The Roleplaying Game Titles
  • Hope Reborn for R.Talsorian

Note: The title has to exist on both sites in order to sync. Example: Roll20 has Marvel’s Revenge of the Super Skrull but Demiplane does not. Therefore, there is no sync available.

Let us know if you have any questions!


I’ve linked my Roll20 and Demiplane accounts, but it’s still showing that I have to purchase titles here that I bought on Roll20. Specifically Player Core and Player Core 2 for PF2.

It seems to have just had a delay. Everything is now linked as of about 30 minutes ago.

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So All alien content means only the core book and heart of darkness on roll20?

The sync seems to have only taken the main book and I can’t see colonial marines or building better worlds in roll20. If the title doesn’t exist on roll20 is it likely to later?


Hey falconburger, correct, currently the only Alien RPG books on Roll20 are the core book and Heart of Darkness. At the moment I don’t have anything I can announce for other Alien books coming to Roll20 but if they do come in the future then they’ll sync correctly as long as you own them on Demiplane.