V5 Pregens: not pre-populating the sheet?

I’ve only tested a couple so far, but selecting the pregen gives you a nice overview of how to build the character, but then just drops you into the normal character builder with nothing pre-selected or pre-filled and not even a way to refer back to the write up to manually fill.

Further Investigation:
OK, I found one that seems to work as expected, though I would still like a means to refer back to the write-up. Not all pregens (even as-written) follow the actual Character Creation Rules, so there will be gaps between the filled out data, the write-up data resulting in “empty” spaces and “missing” dots. I don’t consider that part of this problem, or even Demiplane’s problem. This is the pregen authors not paying attention to the Character Creation process. However, a link back to the write-up would help us fill in any differences manually with overrides.

So here’s a list of “broken” vs expected.

“Stormklara” Klara Larson
Christof Giovanni
Frankie Boudreaux
Franziska (Hollander) Giovanni
Heather Milliner
Marlene Drake
Mary-Jane Hollingsworth
Nate Dempsey
The Face

Alice Mockingdale
Doctor Henry Banerjee
Emma Preston
Jan Puttanesca
Jürgen Schweiger
Kacey Baxter
Lady Catherine Montague
Lyle Mercer Cochrane III
Sasha Morozov
Scarlet Doherty
The Brute
The Mastermind
Tommy Smith
Tony Castelli

Thanks VampyreBytes! As I noted in Discord, I’ll dig in today and see what I can suss out :eyes:

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Alright, the broken ones should now be fixed! Looks like there was an issue with our release-side for that, but I was able to manually get them working. Thanks for catching them!

There are indeed missing dots for some characters, as you note these are consistent with the official pregens. (And if you spot a place they aren’t, definitely let us know!) We verified with the World of Darkness team that these should be left for players to fill in. Regarding the additional ask with the write-up to make doing that smoother: I’ll pass on the feedback!

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Thank you! Looks great!