So I’ve been noodling around with various characters, and I created a warrior that dual wields a longsword in one hand (as per their ability to ignore burden when equipping weapons) and a shortsword in the other. I wanted to play around with leveling up, and in doing so, I kept the equipment at the appropriate tier for each level. Having set them to level 7, the right tier of general equipment are items with Advanced in their name.
Somehow I’ve ended up with a +10 attack bonus with the advanced longsword equipped, but from what I understand, it should only be a +7. I thought the breakdown would be:
+4 from Agility
+1 from the longsword’s Reliable feature
+2 from Blade Touched, which I have equipped
Additionally, this +10 has also been applied to the advanced shortsword, though its bonus should only be a +6, as it doesn’t benefit from Reliable. Interestingly, if I unequip the longsword, the bonus on the shortsword reverts to a +6.
Is this some kind of error in Demiplane, or is there something in the Daggerheart rules that I’m missing?