X-Man Expansion

Did Anyone else Notice the pushed back release Date for the preorder, I cant see it on the Demiplane but I can See it on the marvel website, Not sure if it is for anyone else

ya, it is a bummer,but maybe they will have fixed some of the inconsistency and rushed product. Dont get me wrong im loving the game so far, but it defiantly seems rushed.

Do we know when the Expansion will be available here?

@Wildcard64 Considering I’ve seen it listed as a release date in August on 8 different days on various websites, I doubt we will find out unless they decide to finally announce it… but I expect if they do it will be sometime after GenCon.

The X-Men Expansion releases officially tomorrow on Demiplane! We’ll post a thread here once it’s fully released and available to you.


@MellieDM Just for clarification does that mean those that pre-ordered will have access to it tomorrow or Later to be uploaded? Either way that’s great news.Thanks for the Update.

Tomorrow! :smiling_face:


Sweet, I’m excited or should I say X-cited. lol I’ve been waiting on making some characters that are not in the game but heard of the new power sets and was like Finally I can get some of them finished.


Could we get a small idea when it releases in hours? Since I am not in the Americas, it’s a bit difficult to figure out when tomorrow may be for you guys over the pond. :sweat_smile:

Hi there mueller.kono! Apologies, as I was asleep when your message came in. The book is released now!

For Marvel, new books will typically release during the morning on Central time.