X-Men Expansion - Support Thread

The X-Men Expansion is here! Get your copy now (or access the one you already ordered) here.

Thank you all for getting this title on Demiplane, and have fun with all of the fresh new options available to you!

New Digital Content

The new characters, powers and power sets, origins, and more are available immediately.

In addition, the new Getting Schooled advancement option is supported! This is an optional rule. To turn it on for your character, follow these steps:

  1. Choose to create your own character, or choose an existing Marvel character from the character builder.
  2. On the first page of the builder, look for “Optional Rules”, click or tap it.
  3. Turn the slider for “Getting Schooled” to “on”.
  4. The new section is added to the builder, and ready for you to play with!


If you encounter any issues with this title and its characters in Demiplane, let us know here so we can get it fixed.


Would it be possible to optionally remove the $10 old playtest rules. I hate looking at them and I don’t want to buy it and give my players access to them since most of them were removed for obvious reasons. It’s so ugly seeing blocked off options that say “Unlock” that would be detrimental to unlock. Especially considering I can’t actually read the playtest book and we now have custom creation options. I genuinely cannot express how much I despise seeing things like “God: Unlock” in the origins section.

Also so many of these new additions from the playtest book are redundant. “Massive” is just big. “Soldier” is just Military. “Blind” is just impaired vision. “Hard of hearing” and “Deaf” are both just auditory issues. “Ruler” is the same as Leader. “Infamous” can already be done with Famous. “Energy Control” is just elemental control (Energy). “Blades” and “Firearms” are just melee and ranged attacks.

I could go on for almost everything from the playtest book, and I really don’t want to look at this or spend $10 and have to explain to every player why they can’t use certain things or why some things are off-limits to them despite the fact that I own all the addons and should have full access.

Hi there! Those definitely shouldn’t be showing in the builder. We’ll take a look at what happened there to make them reappear!

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Also, now that we have custom origins and occupations, can we/are we getting the ability to make custom vehicles and weapons? Because that would be really useful.

Hey there! This update is looking great. I did have a question about the “Narrative Powers” Power Set, though. Will we be able to add custom Narrative Powers, like with the custom Origins and Occupations? Also the Mutant Reputation slider doesn’t seem to be working. Where is the info supposed to show up?

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@ComicCultured Also, now that we have custom origins and occupations, can we/are we getting the ability to make custom vehicles and weapons? Because that would be really useful.

Happy to pass on the request!

@Archerous Hey there! This update is looking great. I did have a question about the “Narrative Powers” Power Set, though. Will we be able to add custom Narrative Powers, like with the custom Origins and Occupations?

Currently no, however that will be available as a part of our future homebrew tools!

Also the Mutant Reputation slider doesn’t seem to be working. Where is the info supposed to show up?

You should find Mutant Reputation in your details/biography section. Here’s a screenshot that will hopefully help:

When you click on the box (which will begin as Unknown) the sidebar will open up to let you pick which one your reputation is, and it’ll also contain the rules for Reputation for quick reference.


I am seeing Iconic weapons with an expanded list on some Characters, but not most of the characters can see this list even if they have the power Iconic Weapon. Why is the expanded list showing on some profile/characters but not most of them? Is there a Rank or Origin required, or option for it to show up?

EDIT: I see the toggle now for Iconic Weapons, disregard the question

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The generic vehicles from the X-Men expansion in the Vehicles rules page seem to all have “Boat” listed in the name when expanding it

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Rogue’s profile (X-Men Expansion - Digital Reader - Marvel Multiverse RPG Nexus) is missing the note that her Power Control set of powers requires a hit or grab first that’s found in the hardcover and the X-Men '97 profile (X-Men '97 Character Sheets - Digital Reader - Marvel Multiverse RPG Nexus).

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Thanks for the reports! We’ll look at getting those sorted in our next patch. :blue_heart:


I noticed that when it released but I immediately got sidetracked messing with the Inspect tool and tricking my friend. We’re both certified in HTML/CSS web design and it’s unbelievable he didn’t think about the inspect tool and actually believed it said all of that ridiculous stuff I made it say for a moment. He was working on code while I was doing it. This guy had an almost perfect score on his SATs.

I still think it’s the funniest thing. I only did some simple text edits :skull:

Could the Power Slider details page (Power Slider - Powers - Marvel Multiverse RPG Nexus) include the criteria information that’s listed in the X-Men Expansion New Character Options section (X-Men Expansion - Digital Reader - Marvel Multiverse RPG Nexus)?

I think I can make that happen! It’ll either be in our patch today, or in our next patch depending on how quickly I can turn it around. :blue_heart: