09/23/24 - Patch Notes: Marvel Updates & Cosmere PDF!

Hello everyone, and welcome back to another patch notes! This week we have some fun updates for our Marvel and Cosmere users, as well as some other small bug fixes.

What is this?

In these regular patches, we’ll be releasing fixes and updates to items on our larger NEXUSes (like Vampire and Pathfinder), and summarizing updates that have been released for smaller NEXUSes in the time since our last update.

Patch Updates


  • PDF export is now available! When viewing your character sheet, click or tap on your character’s name to open the management sidebar. Then, scroll down to sharing options. There, you’ll find a new Export to PDF button! Clicking that will start the process of generating your PDF, which can take a little bit of time. Once it’s ready, it’ll pop-up into a new window and be ready for you to save, edit, and/or print.


  • Fixed a bug where rerolling would give you the same result everytime. We learned an important life lesson and got the timeline back in order, though. No more Groundhog Day for us!


  • Additional characters from Deadpool Roleplays the Marvel Universe have been added! This includes Dogpool, Headpool, Lady Deadpool, and Kidpool.
  • A “Journal” tab has been added to the Marvel sheet. You can take notes here, and search through them with ease to find information at your fingertips.
  • Fixed an issue where removing the Uncanny power would set your Focus damage reduction to “{0}”.
  • Added more ways to customize the calculations on your sheet! You can now modify your damage multiplier and damage bonus by clicking/tapping on the ability score in the standard ability panel, and then clicking or tapping on the pencil to edit values.
  • Added Tech and Magic Item Reliance support! If you have either of these traits, you’ll now be able to mark powers inside the builder or on your sheet as a part of your Tech or Magic Item reliance. Those powers will be tied into a new toggle at the top of your power section, allowing you to remove your access/use of those powers with a single click. If those powers made changes to the sheet, you’ll even see your calculations and notes updated to reflect that these features are temporarily unavailable to you.
  • Characters that had specific powers listed with Tech or Magic Item reliance have also been updated. If you create a new character using any of these pre-gens, you’ll see the options already filled in on the sheet for you!

Vampire: the Masquerade

  • Fixed a bug where some search results would redirect you to the homepage. Some Nos really wanted to hide that info…



  • Bring the House Down released. Check it out here!
  • Fixed some lore display for the Red Mantis Assassin archetype from Prey for Death.
  • The Hungerseed trait now properly appears when you look at it’s tooltip.
  • Class icons inside of Player Core 2 no longer show “Bard” across the board. As much as we love making every class a little bit more bardic, we understand the need for clarity.

Character Tools

You may need to remove and re-add an option to see it’s fixes applied to the sheet.

  • Fixed an issue where Monastic Weaponry wasn’t properly scaling with unarmed attacks. Now when you punch better, you can also monk-stab/bludgeon/pierce better, too. (Core Rulebook, Player Core 2)
  • New pre-gens have been made available: Dark Archive and Rage of Elements sample builds! Check these out when you want to have a structure to build your character around.
  • Fixed an issue with Quinn’s legacy pregen not properly showing as legacy. (Advanced Player’s Guide)
  • Fixed an issue with Feiya’s remaster pregen not loading all relevant data. (Player Core)
  • Multilingual Cipher now properly shows that you are indeed eligible to take it when you meet the prerequisites. No DaVinci Code level puzzle-cracking needed. (Player Core 2)


You may need to remove and re-add an option to see it’s fixes applied to the sheet.

  • Soldiers have been given their correct Fortitude proficiency across the board.
  • Fixed an issue where the PDF export was incorrectly giving your Thievery skill the Intimidation bonus. Alas, it’s not everyday that you can scare a lock into opening for you.

Why the change?

With the new cache improvements, we don’t want to break your character’s cache on larger NEXUSes as frequently as we make small improvements and fixes. Instead, we’ll push them all at once on a regular cadence, so that you keep your improved load-times for longer! Read more here .

I noticed a problem!

Thanks for your eagle eyes! Please post about it in the sub-forum for that toolset at your leisure. If it’s a quick fix, we’ll get it in our next patch. Otherwise, we’ll make sure it gets to the right team member for deeper work.