I like the general workflow for the character builder. Going through the steps as it’s implemented makes sense, and it feels understandable and approachable. There are a few rough edges which could be improved to make what’s there even better, but overall I like where it’s going. I see several threads where people are sharing similar impressions, so I’m sure some of my points have been shared by others already.
- The box containing the builder is poorly sized and positioned. It takes up a very small portion of the page, and some of the bottom is cut off.
- A huge amount of screen real estate is taken up by the demiplane menu bar, the pathfinder nexus menu bar, then the character name and ability scores. I would rather have more space dedicated to the character builder.
- List my ancestry and class alongside the name and ability scores. “Bradam Adford, level 1dwarf fighter”
- When selecting things, the little while X icon at the upper right corner can be easy to miss since the rest of the buttons are blue or orange. A more obvious button would be helpful.
- Add an indicator of how much is left to be done on the current selection. When selecting skills, I quickly lost track of how many selections I needed to make. Something like “Select 3 more Trained skills”
- It’s not obvious that I can remake choices, such as ability boosts from my ancestry. Clicking the option didn’t work the first few times, so I honestly thought I was locked into my initial choice.
- Consider consolidating the ability boost decisions to a single page, or having a separate page where I can see and reconsider those choices. Example: A table could show a column for ancestry, key ability score, background, and free ability boosts at level 1/5/10/20, and allow me to select/unselect options in each column and show me the final total. This removes the need to click all over the place to fine-tune my ability scores.
- The performance of the builder got slower and slower as I moved through. The more things I selected, the worse it got.
- When I return to the “background” step, the title says “Character Creation” instead of the title of my background.
- There are no fields to track my current gold