Daggerheart Open Beta Launch

Hi, new to Demiplane so apologies if this has been answered somewhere or I’ve just missed it.

Are any GM tools available? I put a Group together but only saw chat functions. Easy enough to manage the action tracker and fear tokens and any countdowns myself, but the guide does encourage this information is public.

Also, while I’m here - though I appreciate this is a wild question on Day 2 - any future plans for homebrew support?

Hi! I started messing around with the tools, creating multiple characters with different classes to check how everything worked, and mostly it’s all been great (besides a little bit of slowness here and there where loading the panels).

I do though have some points and hiccups to share:

  • As someone above mentions, it would be good that for the starting equipment there was a way to easely choose only one weapon. Right now, if you don’t choose two weapons, the button to move to the Experiences page is greyed-out and that can be confusing for new players (make them think that they are forced to pick two weapons).

  • Having weapons that can be both a Primary Weapon and a Secondary Weapon as different objets can be confusing, it would feel better that, for example, there was only one Dagger object and the user was able to set it as a Primary Weapon or a Secondary Weapon (and that changed the effects applied).

  • It would be good to have a resting system that resets all expended uses of features and prompts the user to choose the two options they want to do (for clearing stress, healin hp, repair armor or prepare).

  • While I LOVE the art of the game and find the online character sheet very beautifuls (kudos to the designers), it bothers me a little bit to have the class art be so prominent in it. Especially since the area for the actual character art we are allowed to input is so small in comparison. I would like to be able to replace the background art for something else, even if it was only plain color.
    Also and in that line of thought, being able to change the accent color of the character sheet would be great too.

  • Is there any way we can share our characters with people that don’t have a demiplane account? Also, to export/download an offline version of the character sheet.

Thanks for reading!!

Thanks for reporting this! Could you tell me the screensize of the device you’re on when you encounter this issue? You can get this information by going to this site: What is my screen size? | ✌️👀 Viewport Sizer

We do not currently have GM tools available. This is something on our roadmap, but that we have not started work on yet.

Homebrew is on the roadmap as well for all of the games we support, and something we hope to get started working on a little later this year. :slight_smile:

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@lyhra A lot of the feedback you’ve shared here are things that are already on our to-do list. We plan to roll out some more functionality in the coming weeks, and will continue to polish any rough edges.

Features like exporting to PDF are high on our to-do list, but require a little bit of groundwork before we’ll be able to shift our focus to that work. That being said, it’s something we hope to begin work on soon. :slight_smile:

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Confirming that these are all on the roadmap as the game is finalized - for several of these, they require broader underlying systems that we’re hesitant to spend time with until the game mechanics are less “wet concrete.” But this kind of functionality is definitely what you can expect to see as that process moves forward.

And then one more specific note on the visuals -

The character sheet currently works like this because we had to balance a lack of finalized art with wanting it to look good, but that will certainly change for the final game, and you won’t be locked into art that doesn’t represent your character.

If you’re not familiar with the character experience in other games we support, there are sheet themes with different color schemes, animations, etc. available that allow you to customize the look and feel more. Here are some samples to give you an idea:

I’m looking forward to introducing those with the full Daggerheart game, thanks!

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Hi! New to the forum after coming from twitter. Not sure if this is the right post for feedback but here goes:

  • One thing i like in competing sites like “Pathbuilder” is the ability to select feats for higher levels while still under leveled. This allows me to kind of “Roadmap” my character’s levels better
  • The “Choose class” button and the “Save changes”/Character sheet buttons took a bit to get used to/find. Perhaps there would be a better spot to share them at? Like maybe between the name/number attributes?
  • After saving everything and going to the character sheet, theres one final step where you manually “equip” the weapons/armor to see the finalized stats. Perhaps they should be auto-equipped?

thanks again for the app, very slick. I really like how it feels interactive and responsive. Like playing a videogame RPG or something :slight_smile:

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Can we open a GM Discussion for those of us who are wading through and have tips, tricks, and questions for other GMs? :pray:

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Hi, new to demiplane. Really enjoying daggerheart and the character creator.

Just a small bug I have noticed and it might be a niche case but I might as well report it here. Upon leveling up and adding +1 to a trait which had -1 score before, the value jumps to +1 and not 0 . Would appreciate if the devs could take a look.

Hey Guillotine!

Would you mind making your character shareable and linking it to us?
(ths can be done by clicking on your character name in the sheet, then switching viewing permissions to anyone with link)

We tried to reproduce this on our end without any luck, and this would help us track that down.

EDIT: I think we see what you mean now, the trait ultimately has the right data, but in the level up screen at the bottom, this goes from -1 to 1

Thanks for the report, we will get this fixed up!

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following back on the above, this visual bug has been resolved. Thanks again for the report!

In the character sheet, I can’t find the “Equipment/Inventory” section so I’m glad you mentioned this.
I don’t know if I’m being blind or it’s a glitch and just not showing up for me?

Hi there skyriver1900, welcome to Demiplane!

Could you share a little bit more information about what you’re experiencing?

If you’re on a laptop/desktop or other landscape view, you should find the Equipment tab to the right of Effects & Features in what we call the “bottom section” (under your core traits, hope, and all that.)

If you’re on mobile, there will be a button on the bottom right to change which section of the sheet you’re viewing. Equipment should be the 6th option on the list.

Hope that helps!

Hello all! Here’s my first Character https://app.demiplane.com/nexus/daggerheart/character-sheet/328cc8d2-b207-4309-a03e-95acd5f5ab3e

Hey I was just trying out leveling a character to level 10 and cant seem to get it to have the mastery feature. I have taken the specialization 2 times but the mastery card does not show up under my subclass? Is there something I need to do that I am missing?

Hey I’m on mobile and finished creating an orcish slayer-warrior. Something I noticed:

-While selecting the Traits, the drop-down inputs remain blank after each selection. so you’re just awkwardly guessing where you place each trait until you exit and check them from the finished menu.

Good find - they actually weren’t blank - the text just had taken on the “hidden” condition.

Should be fixed now, thanks!

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Hey, the feature / text all get combined , and I do see the mastery feature showing in the subclass box there for you. But it looks like we are not showing the card for it when you open the drawer. I’ll take a look at this!

EDIT: The above is now fixed, and you can now see your mastery card in the drawer!
Thank you for the report!

I tested on different monitors: 1829 × 980, 1589 × 977. Also, I noticed that I have the same problem on classes page and Candel Obscura main page. By the way, I don’t have this scrolling problem with the Firefox browser. I will attach a screenshot with errors.

As a non-tech savvy user, I saw the FAQ and they said that we can use the daggerheart demiplane nexus for online play. I would like to try a session with my friends online, but I do not see a way to find access to play with my friends. Is it an online browser version or do we need a 3rd party software like FoundryVTT?