Will the dice rolls from the character sheets show up in the Adventure Portal chat?
That is on the roadmap for once character tools are integrated with groups.
Thanks for the response! Is there a targeted timeline available I could review for when integration (or other features) will be completed?
We don’t have a posted roadmap or timeline anywhere, since software development can often be an unpredictable process, we find that tends to lead to heartache and frustration for everyone involved.
You can keep an eye out for our Dev Update posts, which are copied over from our Dev Update streams on Tuesdays at 9am Pacific on Twitch. Those updates often share what we’re currently working on and what’s “on deck”, so you’ll have an idea of what things are on our short-term roadmap.
How about a road map of when people who have special edition and are linked will see the “discounts”?
That is a limitation of Paizo Connect API, which we unfortunately don’t manage. However, if you send us a support ticket, we can make sure you get that discount. https://demiplane.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
Thanks again for the reply. Follow up question just to make sure I’m not missing this function. Is there a way that I, as the gm, can get access to my group’s character sheets? Currently they’ve shared them with me but that doesn’t allow editing. Thanks!
Not yet - but that is on the roadmap. We plan to add the ability for you to give permissions for certain people to edit your character sheet (much like how Google document sharing works).
In the meantime, if you want to edit a player’s sheet, you will need to save a copy to your account, make whatever changes you want, and then share it back with them for them to save and use.
Are there plans to create optionally purchasing single spells/feats/ancestries that are in other books? Its not a great feeling to try and build your character using the Pathfinder Nexus only to realize 1 spell or 1 feat is from a book similar to what they did with DnD beyond?
Yes, we plan to add piecemeal purchasing in the future.
Is there a way for me to purchase the bundles without getting the pre-order items? As a paizo subscriber I get all of the pdfs for free which then gets me the discounts. I know I’m probably being a bit nitpicky here but just something I thought I’d ask.
If you send us a support ticket, I’ll see what we can do to help with that: https://demiplane.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
Hello, I’m curious if there are ways to create custom elements on the character sheet. Specifically, I’m wondering about creating a custom background. I searched around, but couldn’t find anything relevant. Thank you!
Hello TheyMightBeReno, welcome to Demiplane!
Homebrew (which refers to custom content for tabletop games) is currently in development. We’ll share more details as we get closer to releasing those tools into the wild.
Great, thanks for letting me know!
Not sure where else to ask but i do find it worth asking: Will all books be updated with remaster errata? Such Secrets of Magic, which doesn’t yet appear to be updated with it’s Remaster compatibility errata.
Thanks for bringing that to our attention! We’ll take a look.
Can we get an update from staff on the status of things for the character builder?
- Dual class support (Gamemastery Guide)
- Pathfinder Society Support
Hi there anathale!
Dual class support is on the list, but as an option that hasn’t yet been remastered, it is lower down the list than some other core features we’re working on.
Pathfinder Society support is in ongoing discussions with our partners, but no updates at this time.
Hi all, I may have missed this in the massive thread, but are there any plans to add the ability to purchase just the content for the character builder? Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to own all the books eventually, but over $1,000 is a humongous ask for my financial situation, and since it increases with every new release it’s probably going to remain unachievable. I really hope there is some kind of plan to just allow the purchase of content just for the character tools. I know a lot of people have harped on this in the past, but for Pathfinder your closest direct competitor Pathbuilder 2e allows you to unlock full functionality at a one-time price point of somewhere in the neighborhood of $5.00. I don’t expect Demiplane to come that cheaply because I think when all is said and done it’s going to be a far more powerful and feature-rich system, but when you’re like me and the character tools are the highest priority it’s impossible to justify spending $1,000+ when it only costs $5 or $6 per person to have Pathbuilder. I know that pre-roll20 merger this was being discussed, but I haven’t heard about it since. If you’re not currently considering it I really hope you’ll re-consider, because I think the option to buy content just for the builder will be much more attractive to PF players, especially ones that already own the books and currently feel like investing in Demiplane means they need to buy those same books all over again.
Update: I did find a post from Josh in this thread from back when he worked with Demiplane stating that “piecemeal Purchasing” was planned. This was prior to the Roll20 murger however, and I’ve heard nothing about it lately. I reiterate that I think this is essential to reach out to players that find the current offering to be outrageously expensive compared to the options they already have available to them. This includes myself. I love the character tools, and I find them preferable to Pathbuilder. The problem is that with Pathbuilder I was actually able to afford it. If Demiplane was more affordable I’d fully switch over in a heartbeat and re-activate my subscription. I realize that you don’t need access to every source with every character option in order to play the game, but the simple fact is that since I already have access to options where I do have access to every source like Pathbuilder and Foundry which are far more affordable and do the job I need them for, I just can’t justify the staggering cost to get the same from Pathfinder Nexus. I know I’m not the only person who feels this way either.