Pathfinder Remaster Program Update - Monster Core and Player Core 2

Does the program work backward? If I pre-order Core 2 will I get the Advanced Players Book? and If I already own Player Core and GM Core will get the Original Core Book? I sure don’t have those. I started this when the remastered launched.

Hello karse.avatar, welcome to Demiplane!

If I pre-order Core 2 will I get the Advanced Players Book?

We’d recommend purchasing the Advanced Player’s Guide now, which will grant you Player Core 2 when it comes out later this year. Currently the program isn’t set-up to reduce the price of the APG in your cart to 0.00 when added with Player Core 2.

To clarify: You can absolutely preorder Player Core 2 now if you’d like, but the code for unlocking the Advanced Player’s Guide will be coming closer to that book’s release.

If I already own Player Core and GM Core will get the Original Core Book?

You absolutely can, by reaching out to our Support team:

8 days have passed since the launch and I confirm that downloading the monster core is not enabled in Paizo.
I have updated the sync and it still does not work.
I appreciate any information or confirmation if it is a global situation or it just happens to me.
thank you.

Hi skfercho! Please reach out to our support team who will be able to take a look at what’s going on:

I’ve been searching my email addresses for the last half hour, and I’m not sure I have an email address associated with Demiplane? I haven’t gotten anything from you all, but I’d love to redeem my new Core books! Is there something wrong with my account? I’m sorry to be an issue… just excited. =)

THank you for your assistance on this!

Howdy howdy! Definitely reach out to our Support team who will be able to take a behind-the-scenes look for you: :blue_heart:

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I tried that… that’s why I don’t think I have an email address associated with my account.

I’ve bought several books here, and been using Demiplane for over a year, but my sign-in is a user name, not an email address. =(

The system we use for Support (Zendesk) is not associated with your Demiplane account, so you don’t need to sign in. You just head there, and click ‘submit a request’. (You can ignore the ‘sign in’ option above that. Hope that helps!


Thank you so much! Just submitted that request.

I’m assuming that the codes are going out separately for the books? I received one earlier today, but it was for the value of only one of the two books I already had.

Hi there Aephix! Player Core 2 will occur closer to the release of that title.

The code that went out today is only be for folks who had Bestiary and Monster Core prior to the remaster program update, to credit the cost of one of the two books!


hey i never recieved my code?

Hi there! Is this regarding Monster Core or Player Core 2? The Player Core 2 codes will be sent out closer to the release of that book.