Print option

Hi Joshua,

Looking forward to this feature.
Wishing you all at Demiplane a joyous holidays season and a happy 2024!

Warm regards,


An export option so that it can be integrated into Foundry would be nice.

I know you don’t deal with Foundry VTT at all, but making an export option that a VTT can utilize would be all that’s needed. Then the Foundry team can do their incredible work.

They have already confirmed an api is on their to do list. Print and api usually come last though. Once they have all the fpundation working they can start doing other things with it.


Any update ??
I own both new remaster books IRL.
I have a lot of pathfinder books and am all ready to buy a bundle here but until I can print the character sheets I have Zero interest in this, I’ll just stick with path builder until then.
So any idea when they will have that updated.

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We don’t have any updates to share on exporting to PDF, but the current thought is we’ll start work on it the first half of this year.

Subject to change, as we are always assessing what work we do is going to be the most impactful to the most fans. Letting us know that a PDF export is important to you and your group helps us with that assessment.



Not just important, necessary. Not everyone in my group has web access during our sessions.


seeing someone fiddling on a tablet during an in-person game kinda suck on multiple levels


A PDF export print option is super important to me, and will be the main deciding factor when we begin our new campaign this summer on whether or not we use Demiplane (as is my hope). Only one of my players (besides me) typically has a device at the table (and we like it that way). Thanks!


I would also really like to see a print / export option. Being able to create a character through Demiplane and then have a printed character sheet at the table would be amazing. Please keep it top priority :slight_smile:


Yeah this is ehy we arent currently using Demiplane. Pdf export is hey to us


About to start a campaign with some new players to Pathfinder. Came on here to see if the print option was available yet. I guess I will check back at the start of the next campaign.

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Just wanted to add my voice to how essential a “print” option is. We have a strong preference for no devices at the table, and though I have bough a few books to dabble with Nexus (and I’m impressd by whay I have seen) I will not purchase any more nor roll out the use of nexus to my group until we have the option to print character sheets.

I hope this is implemented asap.



Adding my comment to the need for a PDF export option. I absolutely love using this site for PF2, but can’t recommend it to either of my in person campaigns without the ability to bring the characters to the table in paper form.


Not to be obnoxious, but…


OK, less obnoxiously, I too, would like to voice my support and interest in being able to export character sheets to pdf.


Very much need a print/export feature. In organized play, it’s possible to attend a con or event with little to no Internet access.


Casting my vote for the PDF option (as well as other possible exports and API). I have been sending money to Demiplane since before the Pathfinder character builder hit alpha. I wanted to support something that looked promising. However it has still not got much use for me or my groups due to the lack of an export/PDF option. Please make this happen.


I would love the ability to export to PDF.


I’m kind of flabbergasted this is not only not an option, there doesn’t even appear to be any workaround to generate at least a crappy version of the character info for someone created in Demiplane. I have given you all a (now it certainly feels) silly amount of money to have access to various sourcebooks on the site, and realizing that for any not-100%-online game that money is useless feels…not great Bob.

Others have expressed a similar sentiment but I just have to say, re: whatever it is you all are working on that keeps taking precedence over this: you are not losing any customers because AC isn’t being calculated right with some obscure feature, because there isn’t enough support for playtest characters no one has ever heard of, or because the site is only 30% as opposed to 35% updated for the Remaster (trust we’re all just feeling our way through that) - but every single day you fail to provide something, anything, to fix this, you are LOSING CUSTOMERS, both idiots like myself who will stop giving you any more money, and every new group that forms and quickly realizes they need to use anything other than Demiplane because we can’t create the most basic thing required to play a game.

If you think people are more upset/concerned about other stuff, it’s because the people upset about this have already concluded (correctly) they can’t use your product.

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Hello, and welcome to the forums.

Thank you for sharing your opinion and preferences for which features we should prioritize.

I’ll lead by sharing that we are now actively working on the export to PDF feature.

I’ll close by clarifying for anyone else reading your post that you are speculating a variety of false assumptions.

You mention that we’re focusing on things like “AC…being calculated right” over the export to PDF feature. First on that, we have been working on far more “significant” things than your example, such as delivering the industry’s first functional digital toolset from the start of a major playtest with Daggerheart, a couple of entirely new games that we haven’t announced yet, and Pathfinder core support for mechanics like companions, familiars, alchemy, and crafting. Lastly on this point, even something like “AC calculating right” is a crucial part of the reliability and accuracy we insist upon for our service, so that would indeed be important to ensure we have it right and it would take priority.

You also mention that because we have not implemented this one feature that we are losing customers, and while it will always be true that we won’t gain everyone since preferences are so varied, we are in fact gaining customers at an exciting and rapid pace.

You’re also assuming that fans require a printed character sheet in order to play the game. Over the last eight years of doing this and the enormous amount of data I have had access to, I can confidently say with statistical significance that there are millions of players across the world that do not use printed character sheets during play. Even already here on Demiplane there are hundreds of thousands of fans that have created millions of characters that indicate a PDF is not needed to play.

Thanks again for sharing your thoughts on what we should be working on in development. In this case, we are indeed in progress on the feature that would align with your preference.

We’ll share updates once we have them in the coming weeks!


Pretty much the only thing that has been keeping me from subscribing and dropping the money on some books is the absence of the ability to print and/or export to pdf. Looking forward to this finally being completed!