Print option

Despite the snarkiness of smharkins22’s comment, I agree with his primary thrust, this is by far the number one thing that I need Demiplane to do that it doesn’t, and therefore is the most likely reason for my players and I to part ways with the platform if it is still not a functional option when our new campaign launches this summer. I understand it is on the road map, but it can not happen soon enough.


I have been supporting Demiplane for a while, but I have not actually used it in gameplay because of the lack of a print option. This will definitely increase the value I have put into Demiplane significantly. Looking forward to seeing this get implemented.


I am not going to speculate on which priorities will be most appropriate for Demiplane as a company or which might attract the most customers as I have no access your data. In my opinion your focus on a digital playing experience has been laudable and fairly thorough. For one example (among many) I have noticed and loved the speed improvements to the Pathfinder character tools.

From my perspective (limited as it is) I agree that many including myself, an old grognard, have adapted to mostly digital sheets for active play. However I can still not get my Pathfinder players to use Demiplane as they can export Pathbuilder to Discord for play by post; or to Roll20 or Foundry for when battle maps are necessary. Even DDByond has an API so that folks like KaKaRoTo can make browser plugins that link rolls and abilities on a digital sheet to a VTT.

Your priorities are your own and focusing on a digital toolset appears to be one of them. In this case I believe (OK now I am speculating priorities) an export/API option is still sorely needed. A digital sheet alone works great with theater of the mind games, or games with a physical map and player tablets for an in person game (à la Critical Role) or even a fully digital game with friends you trust (à la Glass Cannon), but for PF society play with strangers it is nice to be able to show your rolls on a VTT without having to switch windows to copy roll modifiers and ability descriptions. This is where an export option, an API (so others can link Demiplane to VTTs), or even a PDF (the subject of this forum topic) can fill the need.

So thank you for prioritizing a print option.  Please continue to do so, and to prioritize other export/API options as well.
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Hello and thanks for posting.

I appreciate you not adding to any speculation, as the speculation in this thread is certainly inaccurate per our data as I have shared in a few other places.

I’ll also clarify that DDB doesn’t actually have any formal API (I know since I founded it), but community developers like you reference simply work with the publicly-available “JSON” that can be uncovered with the slightest amount of digging. The same could be done for NEXUS character output, and we have seen some community developers using it already.

Having said that, we’ve confirmed in other threads that we have started work on the ability to export characters to a PDF character sheet, and I have said from the earliest days of NEXUS tools that we plan to have a characters export API that we formally make available (unlike in my past life). It has always been on the roadmap, but a roadmap is sequential - we have worked on the biggest priorities to this point and will continue to do so until we get to the API feature on the list.

We’ll share more as we have updates.


Not everyone prints my guy. In fact, I’m certain the majority don’t and won’t use the feature to export to PDF.

Yes, they lose customers for it certainly. The counter is adding more systems like Daggerheart and being on the pulse of that. Updating the remaster which is the actual big ticket item for Pathfinder 2e as well as working with Paizo to stay up to date on the books.

Just two big reasons why it’s on the back burner. You are not an idiot for spending money on a tool that you can print off a regular character sheet and just write in the details yourself. It does all the hard work for you. You are not an idiot for spending money for PDFs that are now available to you in a great readable format which should be noted is a different format than the original PDFs.

I promise you, they want to work on it and get you the features you want. Yes you as an individual. But you must be told, you are actually in the minority even if you take into account the amount of people who haven’t purchase or have left for this reason.

Can’t use the product is a vast overstatement. The product is incredibly useful. Mountains and molehills I guess.

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I guess I am just confused on this. Yes, a pdf export is nice, but what is stopping you from rolling a character up, printing off a blank character sheet and copying the info over on to the physical sheet?

Laziness and a desire to use the tool we have paid for :face_with_peeking_eye:

Waiting for Demiplane Print Support like… a dammit I have to click it again :sob:

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Is there any word on this? Would love to have it!

For 2 weeks at least.

Hi qwert! As mtakatz notes, we have indeed launching PDF export for Pathfinder. Simply click or tap on your character’s name in the sheet to open the management sidebar. From there, scroll down to the bottom where sharing options are, to find the Export to PDF button. Note that the PDF will take time to generate after you click the button, and then will open in a new window–so you may need to ensure you allow pop-ups from your character sheet page.

Thank you so much!! That’s amazing! I will be using Demiplane to create character sheets for my players in my home game… thanks again!!

Timeline as to when you might add the print function?

Hi delosnash! PDF export was introduced for Pathfinder 2e at the beginning of this month. Simply click or tap on your character’s name inside of the sheet to open the management drawer, then scroll down the sharing options. PDF Export will be listed there. After clicking it, note that due to the large size of a PF character that it will take some time to generate your PDF. Once it’s done, it’ll pop open a window with your PDF, which you can save and edit from there.

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