Daggerheart Open Beta Launch

Thank You. It did help.
I am on laptop. I think it was just being slow when I tried before because I couldn’t scroll down.
Fixed now.

The agility increase from equipping a rapier appears to be bugged. It is currently is not increasing agility on the character sheet. The same is true for the urok shortsword.

Also relating to the rapier, are identical features stackable? For example, can a warrior equip 2 rapiers (one in the primary slot and one in the secondary slot) to get a +2 to agility?

Thank you! That appears to be a bug that snuck in with our last update. We’re taking a look!

And that should be fixed! Thanks again for catching that for us. :blue_heart:

The description for the Ranger class says that the 2nd subclass is named Companion, but the option selectable during character creation calls the subclass Beastbound.

The character sheet for the Ranger Companion (in the description of the Ranger class) also states to use Intuition when commanding your companion with an action roll. Intuition is not a trait in the game; I would guess this is supposed to be Instinct.

A few notes mostly about the Quick Start Adventure I didn’t know where else to put:

  • Both the Playtest Materials and the Quick Start Adventure seem to be written for in-person play - one of the first notes under “Running a Campaign” is ‘put a map on the table’, and the Introduction to the QSA lists pencils and scissors as the top materials required for play. Appreciate this isn’t feedback for Demiplane, but not sure where else to put it and I hope they edit the materials to be more neutral of how different groups play.

  • Given the style of the QSA, it would probably be useful if the maps and cut-outs included in the PDFs were linked from the portal here.

  • Also, it looks like a one-shot to me but doesn’t specify - an estimated play-time in the Introduction would help groups planning to run it.


Hey @Opera,

You can send feedback at the link below (Just scroll down) to submit either Player or DM feedback.

Daggerheart Feedback (Scroll Down)

I think they would appreciate this feedback!


Thank you for the catch! We’re reaching out to the team at Darrington Press to confirm which is correct.

The description for the Wizard class says that the School of War Specialization ability is active when you have at least 2 Hope, while the subclass specialization card says at least 3 Hope. Which one is correct?

The Heart of a Poet feature in the Wordsmith Foundation is significantly different in the Bard Class description vs the subclass card. Which description is correct?

Appreciate your eagle-eyes, @drumzagames! We’re conferring with Darrington Press on all of those now. \0/

The Warden of Elements Foundation also has some significant differences between the Druid Class description and the subclass card. In particular the fire, water and air elements have different effects.

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The School of Knowledge Foundation is also different in the Wizard Class description vs the subclass card. While they both describe the adept feature the same way, the other feature of the foundation is completely different.
The class description says you can spend hope to get information about magical powers, while the subclass card says you have advantage on knowledge rolls to recall information.

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Nexus character level-up UI issue: after multiclassing, it should be possible to switch a previously chosen domain card to another card from the new multiclass domain of the same level, but i don’t see this option in the UI.

Hi there!

Multiclassing limits your new domain achieved through multiclassing to a level that is half your character’s (rounded up). So if you multiclass at level 5, for example, you’ll be able to select level 1-3 domain cards for your new domain.

Multiclassing allows you, when you get to choose new domain cards, to choose from those new domain cards you now qualify for. With the current rules, it does not allow you to change previous domain cards.

If your GM allows you to work outside of these rules, you can select the cogwheel to the top right of the “Level Up” pane to adjust the limitations, and use the filtering in the domain card selection to ignore the normal requirements.

You can find the multiclassing rules here.


We have confirmed with Darrington Press that the cards are correct! We’ve updated the playtest document and class primers on the Nexus to match. This means that for your catches, these have been updated:

  • Wizard School of Knowledge Foundation, School of War Specialization
  • Druid Warden of Elements Foundation
  • Bard Wordsmith Foundation
  • Ranger subclass name (Beastbound is correct)
  • The Ranger sheet should say Instinct. We’ll update that sheet image when we receive the updated file from Darrington, but it should be correct on the Demiplane digital sheet!

Thanks again for the sharp eyes.

Hi, thank you for the quick reply! For choosing domain cards after multiclassing, the rule I’m referring to is in “Taking domain cards” section of “leveling up”, and is

“In addition, they may also choose to trade out one domain card they already have for a different domain card at a level equal to the chosen card or lower.”
right now is there a way to trade a domain card upon level-up within the nexus UI?

a workaround is to just by hand go back to a previous level and choose a different domain card. but this workaround doesn’t work for multiclassing.

e.g. multiclassing at level 5, it seems the rules allow switching a previously chosen level-1 card to a card from the new domain, in addition to picking up a new card of level 1-3.

i now see the cogwheel button you mentioned and the “filters”, which does give a workaround for what i described. thanks!

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The Daggerheart Playtest 1.3 Update is now available! Explore the changes, create characters, and prepare to provide fresh feedback on https://DaggerheartNEXUS.com :dagger: :blue_heart:

since the update, I’m no longer able to change the “filters” in “take domain cards” to add another domain option. This is needed in order to enable switching a level 1 domain card from an original domain, to a level 1 domain card from a domain gained by multiclassing.
clicking “apply filters” doesn’t allow any other options to be selected.

i already clicked on the cogwheel to toggle “ignore limits” on.